Términos y condiciones

General terms and conditions

§1 Services
The ZDS organizes seminars, congresses, internships and workshops with its instructors, ZDS specialist lecturers and external experts. The participant is aware of the respective speaker and the topic of the seminar from the website or the respective prospectus of the ZDS.
Although the commissioned speakers and external experts are carefully selected by the ZDS and provided with proven seminar concepts for the implementation of the seminars, the services are provided by the speakers and external experts themselves on their own responsibility. The ZDS accepts no liability for the content and method of performance.
§2 Registration, confirmation of participation, data protection
The registration takes place via an internet registration form, in written form and becomes legally effective only if it is confirmed in writing by the ZDS. If the registration confirmation is not received or delayed, then the contract shall be deemed closed if ZDS does not declare the rejection within a period of 14 days.

By registering for an event, participation is compulsory for the participant. For events with a limited number of participants, registrations will be considered in the order they are received. In case of overbooking, the applicant will be informed immediately, a contract will not be concluded in this case. The data of the participants are electronically processed for internal purposes.

By submitting the registration form / e-mail, the sender agrees to the storage of his given data. The data will be treated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act and used exclusively in the necessary framework. Data transfer to third parties for advertising purposes is only carried out with explicit permission.
By sending, the sender agrees to receive e-mails from the ZDS until revoked.

§ 3 Payment, accounting
All prices shown are tax-free sales according to § 4 Abs. 8-28 UstG. Should a tax exemption be omitted, the ZDS will point out this circumstance upon registration and before the conclusion of the contract. In this case, the prices are net, plus the applicable statutory VAT at the time of accounting. The price of an event is understood as a price for the event, all materials, documents, handouts and certificates of attendance, unless otherwise stated in the program description.

The ZDS accepts payment by credit card (Visa / Diners Club, EURO- and MasterCard) upon registration. You will receive an invoice from the ZDS.

The payment data will be recorded after completion of the contract. There are no additional fees for payment by credit card. Your credit card will be charged immediately after the event registration.

If an electronic payment is not offered upon registration, then the invoice is on the confirmation by electronic means and is due immediately, no later than 10 days (receipt on the billing account of ZDS) before the beginning of the event, payable without deduction, free of charge on the account of ZDS.

If receipt of payment cannot be determined at the aforementioned time, ZDS reserves the right to withdraw from the contract. In the event of withdrawal by the ZDS, the right to participate no longer exists. Withdrawal shall be made in writing. The ZDS reserves the right to claim the processing fees specified in § 4. If there is no withdrawal and payment is made before the start of the event after a reminder by the ZDS, a reminder fee of € 10.00 shall be charged.

Discounts on participation fees are possible, the discount is at the discretion of ZDS. There is no legal claim to such discounts.

§ 4 Recission, rebooking, substitute participants
At events, resignations of participants already registered in writing must be made in writing.

The following processing fees are charged for the cancellation:

• Up to 2 weeks before the beginning of the seminar: 10% of the seminar fee.

• Within 2 - 1 weeks before the start of the seminar: 50% of the seminar fee.

• Within 6-0 days before the start of the event or in case of no-show for the seminar without prior cancellation: 100% of the seminar fee.

The above does not apply in the event that the cancelling participant provides a paying substitute participant (representative). The substitute participant must be named in writing to the ZDS at the time of resignation, stating all necessary personal details.

ZDS reserves the right to withdraw from the contract until the beginning of the event and during the event if any product and / or production demonstrations are exposed by companies resident in the market, whether in the premises of ZDS or in the premises of the company located in the market in that the participant, or his employer or contractor, is in direct competition / competition with the demonstrating company. The resignation can in this case be explained verbally or in writing. A right to participate expires immediately.
§ 5 Cancellation of events and liability
The ZDS reserves the right to cancel or postpone events due to a low number of participants. In this case, the participant will be notified no later than 5 working days before the start of the event. In case of cancellation of an event due to illness of the speaker (s), force majeure or other unforeseeable events, there is no entitlement to the performance of the event. Likewise, in case of cancellation or postponement of the deadline, no travel and accommodation expenses as well as expenses resulting from a loss of work will be covered.
In the case of own fault or that of its vicarious agents (ZDS specialist lecturers) ZDS is only liable for damages in case of intent or gross negligence. The liability for indirect damage to a merchant is limited to 10 times the invoice amount. These liability restrictions do not apply insofar as a material contractual obligation or a cardinal obligation has been violated. Then there is a right to compensation for the contract-typical damage. The exemption from liability under sentence 1 does not apply to damage resulting from the delay or impossibility of performance. If the customer is a merchant, however, the seller is also liable in the case of default or impossibility of performance only in cases of intent or gross negligence.
ZDS is not liable for advice errors or other performance disturbances of third parties used and proven by the publisher.
The speakers and external experts are independent cooperation partners of the ZDS. You are responsible for the organization and execution of the seminars, some advertising, public performance, your statements and actions, as well as for the correct course of business. Claims against the respective speaker / external expert are not accepted by ZDS. Reasonable claims must be addressed to the respective speakers / external experts.
§ 6 Warranty and change reservation
Events of the ZDS are carefully prepared and carried out according to the current state of knowledge. All events are conducted by experienced and renowned speakers, all materials, documents and handouts are created according to the latest findings. However, ZDS assumes no liability for the correctness and accuracy of the content of the course content and documents.

ZDS reserves the right to make necessary changes in content and / or organization before or during the event, provided these do not materially alter the overall character of the event. If necessary, the ZDS is entitled to replace the initially provided speakers, ZDS specialist lecturers or external experts with similarly qualified persons.
§ 7 Copyright and rights of use
The ZDS retains all copyright rights to the provided training documents. The documents may not be reproduced for distribution to third parties, except for the duplication of training documents for the purpose of data protection. The participant may only make a copy and use it for his own purposes if his original is no longer usable due to damage or destruction. Printed documents may not be reprinted or copied, even in excerpts.

§ 8 Room reservations

The ZDS holds a room contingent in a nearby hotel or - if the event takes place in a conference hotel - in this hotel for the participants in events that take place in the ZDS premises. The rooms can be accessed and booked directly with the hotel operator with reference to the ZDS event.

A contractual relationship is concluded exclusively between the hotel and the participant.

If cancellation or accommodation costs are passed on to the ZDS by the hotel, these must be reimbursed by the participant. § 9 audio and video recordings


§ 9 Audio and video recordings

At events partly sound, video recordings, photos or other portraits are made for the self-promotion of the ZDS, which are published on the web page, in books and in own advertising means of. These are not portraits of individuals, but recordings that reflect the entirety of the event and in which the individual is recognized as a participant of the event.

Individual events are recorded in whole or in part as video or audio with the aim of selling the recording as a product or part of a product - for example, as a course or as a book, CD-ROM, etc. If recordings of this kind are provided, this will be explicitly stated both in the description of the event and in the confirmation of the participant's seat. By registering, the participant confirms that he is aware of the above and that he expressly agrees with the ZDS that these photos, videos or other portraits or sound recordings may be made and published. If media are created in the above-mentioned manner, the participant has the opportunity, for scenes in which he alone in the context of individual demonstrations, together with the speaker in front of the audience exposed in a special way to announce in advance clearly that he recording for this, him extraordinary part of the event. In this case, a recording of this part of the event will not take place. 

§10 Place of fulfillment, place of jurisdiction and effectiveness

Place of fulfillment and jurisdiction is the seat of ZDS.

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Any ineffectiveness of one or more provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In place of the ineffective clauses, the one agreed, which corresponds to the economically intended in a legally permissible manner most closely. This also applies to the supplementary contract interpretation (severability clause)

The contract language is German.



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