Bar Manufacturing Technology - Cereal, Protein, Fruit, and Candy Bars PES-2513

23.06.2025 - 25.06.2025

In den Warenkorb


Bar products are confectionery, snacks, and healthy snack products. The variants are diverse and are constantly reinventing themselves. We show many variants of bars with the corresponding raw materials in binders and dry ingredients and the associated technologies. In the practical part, we make bars manually and everyone can show their creativity. In the further part, we produce different bars on production equipment and evaluate the final results.

Product categories:

  • Cereal bars
  • Protein bars
  • Fruit bars
  • Candy bars
  • Baked bars
  • Raw materials:

    • Sugar, sugar syrups, humectants, sugar substitutes, fibers
    • Cereals, dry fruits, nuts
    • Proteins - dairy-based and vegetable-based
    • Whipping agents
    • Vegetable fats

  • Chocolate and compound for enrobing
  • Cooking, Mixing and Forming technology
  • Shelf life - water content, water activity, etc.




Verwendete Schlagwörter:


23.06.2025 – 25.06.2025  |  Solingen

Bar Manufacturing Technology - Cereal, Protein, Fruit, and Candy Bars


23.06.2025 | 09:00 Uhr


25.06.2025 | 17:30 Uhr



ZDS - Die Süßwaren-Akademie
De-Leuw-Str. 1-9
42653 Solingen

Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl

10 Teilnehmer im gesamten Seminar
3 Teilnehmer  je Unternehmen


  • EN


2.620,00 €


  • Seminar documents in digital form 
  • Refreshments: beverages and snacks
  • Lunch and dinner at the ZDS refectory

In den Warenkorb

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ZDS - Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e.V.
De-Leuw-Str. 1 - 9
42653 Solingen
T. +49 (0) 212 / 59 61-93


