Industrial chocolate manufacturing: Practical course PEC-2532

17.11.2025 - 21.11.2025

This chocolate course gives insights into industrial chocolate manufacturing. The characteristics of raw materials and their impact on product quality and the technology of producing chocolate products are focused. The participants get to know the stages of chocolate production from cocoa bean processing to cocoa liquor and chocolate mass manufacture. On the last day, the topic of compound and moulding technology will be addressed.

In den Warenkorb


Main focus:

  • Raw materials and recipes
  • Cocoa mass, cocoa butter, cocoa powder
  • Practical production process from cocoa beans to cocoa mass
  • Practical production of dark, milk and white chocolate (at least two types)
  • Standard and alternative processes
  • Tempering,Molding and cooling
  • Enrobing techniques
  • Hollow figures, filled chocolates
  • Fat bloom and sugar bloom
  • Compound types and technology

Target audience:

•  Employees of chocolate and confectionery industry:
Production staff, product development, quality assurance, marketing, sales staff

• Employees from raw material and machinery suppliers





Verwendete Schlagwörter:


17.11.2025 – 21.11.2025  |  Solingen

Industrial chocolate manufacturing: Practical course


17.11.2025 | 14:31 Uhr


21.11.2025 | 14:31 Uhr



ZDS - Die Süßwaren-Akademie
De-Leuw-Str. 1-9
42653 Solingen

Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl

10 Teilnehmer im gesamten Seminar
3 Teilnehmer  je Unternehmen


  • EN


3.560,00 €


  • Course documentation in digital format
  • Access to our learning platform on Moodle for long term learning
  • Refreshments: snacks and drinks
  • Lunch and dinner at the ZDS refectory
  • Certificate of attendance

In den Warenkorb

Zurück zur Übersicht


Ab dem 2. Teilnehmer eines Unternehmens stehen attraktive Vergünstigungen zur Verfügung.
Für Universitäten und Fachhochschulen wird ein Rabatt von 50% gewährt.


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Sie haben Fragen, Wünsche und/oder Anregungen? Sprechen Sie uns an:

ZDS - Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e.V.
De-Leuw-Str. 1 - 9
42653 Solingen
T. +49 (0) 212 / 59 61-93


