Practical Introduction Course: Cookies and Biscuits PEB-2516

22.07.2025 - 24.07.2025

This course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to the basics of industrial production processes for Cookies & Biscuits.

In den Warenkorb

Content of the Practical Course

In addition to lectures on important raw materials, their extraction and properties, the kneading, shaping and baking process, this practical course also focuses on the practical production of products. A test baking line with pastry molds and a steel belt oven as well as other machines are available for this purpose.

Objectives of the course:

  • To teach the basics of raw materials,
  • To illustrate the current state of production technology,
  • To present and discuss new product ideas and process technologies.

The workshop is partly theoretical and partly practical. It also illustrates the approach to product development in respect of shelf life, ingredients, reformulation, vegetarian and vegan.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for employees in product and application engineering, marketing, sales, and supplier industries who want to gain a better understanding of industrial processes. It is also intended for employees who are new to the bakery industry or who are new to production, who will have the opportunity to refresh and expand their knowledge during their practical training.

Verwendete Schlagwörter:


22.07.2025 – 24.07.2025  |  Solingen

Practical Introduction Course: Cookies and Biscuits


22.07.2025 | 09:00 Uhr


24.07.2025 | 17:00 Uhr



ZDS - Die Süßwaren-Akademie
De-Leuw-Str. 1-9
42653 Solingen

Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl

10 Teilnehmer im gesamten Seminar
3 Teilnehmer  je Unternehmen


  • EN


2.620,00 €


In den Warenkorb

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Für Universitäten und Fachhochschulen wird ein Rabatt von 50% gewährt.


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Sie haben Fragen, Wünsche und/oder Anregungen? Sprechen Sie uns an:

ZDS - Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e.V.
De-Leuw-Str. 1 - 9
42653 Solingen
T. +49 (0) 212 / 59 61-93


